What Fear Holds You Back?

Jim Uncategorized 16 Comments

Why did I wait?

My first novel, ROOMS, will be published in April.

It’s a dream I’ve had since I devoured the Chronicles of Narnia in 5th grade.

Here’s what I did with my writing in my teens and into adulthood:
•    I subscribed to Writer’s Digest
•    I bought books on writing prose and screenplays
•    I scribbled a few short stories
•    I went to writer’s workshops
•    In ’92 I wrote a Seinfeld episode with a buddy on a whim which ended up in the hands of a prominent L.A. TV writer who said we had true talent
•    I wrote Web sites, radio ads, brochures, letters and TV ads for a living

But my dream of writing a novel? I did nothing. NOTHING!

(Well, I did think about it. A lot. And carried around this sack of nine-hundred pound guilt because I knew I should be taking action.)

Finally in the spring of ’06 I went to my first writing conference. By summer I had three agents interested in repping me. In September of that year I signed with a fourth. A little less than two years later I had a contract for ROOMS.

Isn’t it Gretzky that says, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”? You nailed it, Great One.

Is your dream is sitting in the back of a dark rusted shut drawer somewhere? What is it?

Grab the crowbar, let’s get moving.

Comments 16

  1. Pingback: What Fear Holds You Back? « Northwest Christian Writers Association

  2. Nancy Adams

    Just finished your book Rooms. I knew it was going to be a good book. It was excellent. Wish I did not have to wait until late next year for The Chair. I hope you do a sequel to rooms.

    1. jimrubart

      Hi Nancy,

      I’m writing The Chair right now. Sorry it will be so long till it comes out, but remember, Book of Days comes out in January.

      You can tell that I left room for a sequel to ROOMS. Maybe someday.


  3. Sarah

    I have no clue if you will read this comment but months ago I picked up Rooms at the bookstore by chance. I literally went to get some required school reading and picked a random book because something told me to. Rooms was an amazing book. I finally picked it up yesterday and read it completely through. You are an extremely talented writer! The storyline was genius. Anyways, I wanted to thank you. I have (and still sort of am) afraid of making a connection with the Lord in fear of rejection, or plainly, no voice back. Your book has given me courage to face my fears. I think everyone can relate to Micah in a way. Im afraid the Lord will take away my dreams. Yet, then again what are my dreams? How could they match up to His? Your book has raised questions for me and I bet for many others. Thank you!

  4. Jean

    Jim, thank you for writing “Rooms”. It is having a powerful effect on my heart. I look forward to your next book. While I’m waiting I have checked out some of the books you listed on your website as the cloud that had formed over my ablility of focus to read has been lifted.

    1. jimrubart

      The new house is being built by the same company (Hale & Sons) that build Micah’s home which implies that someone else is going to soon have a home that will be a physical manifestation of their soul. It also leaves a slight opening for a sequel, should I ever decide to do that.

  5. Delese

    I read this book yesterday on Kindle ($0.00 – best money I ever spent!)

    This is a five star book indeed. What if we could go back and recapture the life God intended for us? Would we give up all we have for it? In Micah’s case, he began to lose his memories of his old existence. If God had allowed him to remember it, would he still have longed for it, even though he recognized God’s idea was far better for him?

    However, I did not understand the ending with the new house being built. What was the significance of that? I finished the book at 1:00 am, so perhaps I missed something here?

    I’m looking forward to you next books! I will definitely read them.

  6. MaryLou

    I just discovered you through my friend Pam Meyers and I’ve ordered your book ROOMS from Amazon.com. Can’t wait to get it!

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