
The Heart of Freedom

James Rubart - SpeakerWe long for freedom; we’re bound by fear. My talk The Heart of Freedom is a catalyst that helps people throw off their fears and leap into the kind of freedom they’ve always longed for.


Stepping Out of the Shadows- Turning your deepest dreams into reality

I believe we’re all divinely designed for a specific destiny, but often we’re held back by chains and wounds that Jesus longs to free us from. In this talk I tell my story, but more importantly share the specific steps on how you can step fully into your greatest dreams.


Death of the Dream- Finding triumph in what you thought was defeat

What happens when your greatest dream crashes and burns? When you’ve been taken out by people, circumstances, the weight of life. Where do you go next? This talk explores the three steps you must take in face of crushing disappointment and insurmountable odds, and shows you how to triumph with hope and passion for the road ahead.


The Dream Reborn- Discovering the intersection of your passion and His purpose

Can your greatest dreams be his ordained purpose for your life? I say yes! Here we dig deep into how to make your dream come alive when you thought it was dead and buried forever.


For Men

Since January of ‘03 I’ve been leading men’s retreats with a series of talks based on John Eldredge’s book Wild at Heart.


If you’re interested in having me come speak to your group, let’s talk. Shoot me an email and we can discuss fees and scheduling.